
Meyer, Martin and Grant, Kevin and Kuusisto, Jari (2017). The Triple Helix and User-Driven Centers of Competence: Towards a New Organizational Model? In: Siegel, Donald and Libaers, Dirk and Dunlop, D., eds. The World Scientific Reference on Innovation. World Scientific. ISBN 9789813147027. (In press)
Kuusisto, Jari. (2016). Digitalisation and industrial renewal: Challenges and opportunities for business, employees and the public sector. In: The Digital Economy and the Single market: Employment Prospects and Working Conditions in Europe. Wobbe, Werner; Bova, Elva; Dragomirescu-Gaina, Catalin (eds.), 172-187.
Grant, Kevin; Meyer, Martin; Kuusisto Jari. (2015). Can processes make relationships work? The Triple Helix between structure and action. Prometheus, 32(4), 351-368.
Niemi, Mervi; Kuusisto, Jari. (2015). New indicators for measuring user innovation by Finnish firms and consumers. In: Measuring broad-based innovation. Nieminen, Mika; Lehtoranta, Olavi (eds.), 123-153.
Arrasvuori Juha, Kuusisto Arja & Kuusisto Jari. (2015), The Uses of IP Management Methods in Innovative SMEs. In: The 16th Annual International CINet Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 13-15 September 2015.
Grant, K.; Edgar, David; Tassos, A.; Meyer, Martin S. and Kuusisto, Jari (eds.) (2014) Innovation, Service Innovation and Measuring Technology Enabled Service Innovation - A Disjointed State between Theory and Practice. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 80 pp. ISBN 978-3659547225.
Kuusisto Arja & Kuusisto Jari. (2015), Käyttäjälähtöinen palvelukehitys kuntasektorilla - Mahdollisuuksia ja pullonkauloja. In: Jyrämä Annukka & Mattelmäki Tuuli (eds.) Palvelumuotoilu saapuu verkostojen kaupunkiin: Verkosto- ja muotoilunäkökulmia kaupungin palvelujen kehittämiseen. Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja, Unigrafia Oy, pp. 173-190.
de Jong Jeroen P.J., von Hippel Eric, Gault Fred, Kuusisto Jari & Raasch Christina. (2015), 'Market failure in the diffusion of consumer-developed innovations: Patterns in Finland'. Research Policy, Volume 44, Issue 10. Available at:
Arrasvuori Juha & Liang Liting. (2015), 'Analysing Management of Social Innovation Activities that Use Open Data'. In: papers and presentations from the XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 14-17 June 2015. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications 40. Tutkimusraportit – Research Reports.
Yli-Viitala Pirjo, Kuusisto Jari, Liang Liting & Berghäll Sami. (2015), 'Reframing the Problem as a Tool for Industrial Renewal'.  In: papers and presentations from the XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 14-17 June 2015. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications 40. Tutkimusraportit – Research Reports.
Arrasvuori Juha, Liting Liang & Kuusisto Jari. (2014), ’Management of Confidential Business Information and Trade Secrets: Findings of an International Survey’. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Innovation and Management - Innovative products and services for sustainable development. November 17-19 2014, Vaasa, Finland. Link:
Vänskä Juha, Kuusisto Arja, Arrasvuori Juha & Kuusisto Jari. (2014), ’Smart Grid as service innovation? A review of literature and suggestions for future research’. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Innovation and Management - Innovative products and services for sustainable development. November 17-19 2014, Vaasa, Finland. Link:
Yli-Viitala Pirjo & Vänskä Juha. (2014), User-Driven Services in District Heating. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Innovation and Management - Innovative products and services for sustainable development. November 17-19 2014, Vaasa, Finland. Link:
Arrasvuori Juha, Vänskä Juha & Liang Liting. (2014). Speed of New Service Development among Finnish ‘low-tech’ SMEs. Konferenssijulkaisussa: RESER2014. 95-110.
Kuusisto Arja, Arrasvuori Juha, Kuusisto Jari & Liang Liting. (2014). Users as effectual innovators: A new perspective into user and service innovation. Konferenssijulkaisussa: RESER2014. 933-941.
Gustafsson Robin, Kuusi Osmo & Meyer Martin. (2014). Examining open-endedness of expectations in emerging technological fields: The case of cellulosic ethanol. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 91: 179-193.
Meyer, Martin, Kevin Grant, Piera Morlacchi & Dagmara Weckowska. (2014). Triple Helix indicators as an emergent area of enquiry: a bibliometric perspective. Scientometrics, 99: 151-174.
Meyer M., Libaers D., Thijs B., Grant K., Glänzel W. & Debackere K. (2014). Origin and emergence of entrepreneurship as a research field. Scientometrics, 98, 473-485.
Vänskä Juha & Arrasvuori Juha. (2014). The use of service design tools as ‘boundary spanning objects’ in SMEs. Konferenssijulkaisussa: RESER2014. 1595-1606.
Forfás (2014), ‘Assessment of Publicly Funded RD&I Supports for Innovation in Services and Business Processes’. Dublin, Ireland.
European Service Innovation Center (2014), ‘State of the art and recent developments of service innovation policy in the EU Member States – A discussion paper’. European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
Kuusisto Jari. (2014). Smart Services and Digitalization: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead - The Case of Finland. Kirjassa: Dienstleistung in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Toim. Boes, Andreas, 190-199.
Berg, P., Elfvengren, K., Kevätsalo, J-P., Patana, A., Pihlajamaa, J., Pihlajamaa, M., Poskela, J., Valiauga, P., Vanharanta, O. and Vänskä, J. (2014). 'Johdatus uutta liiketoimintaa luovien innovaatioiden maailmaan: Apuvälineitä innovaatiotoiminnan kehittämiseen'. Aalto-yliopisto. (Book) Download:
Lucero A., Karapanos E., Arrasvuori J., Korhonen H. (2014). Playful or Gameful? Creating Delightful User Experiences. Interactions. XXI, 34-39.
Li, Jun & Liang, Liting. (2014). Sequential Attention during Institutional change: a Behavioral Interpretation. Konferenssijulkaisussa: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Yang Liu & Liting Liang. (2014). Evaluating and developing resource-based operations strategy for competitive advantage: an explanatory study of Finnish high-tech manufacturing industries. International Journal of Production Research. 
Kuusisto Arja & Kuusisto Jari. (2014, in print), ’Käyttäjälähtöinen palvelukehitys kuntasektorilla – mahdollisuuksia ja pullonkauloja. Book chapter in, Jyrämä, A. & Mattelmäki, T. (Eds.), ’Kaupunki palveluiden kontekstina’. Aalto yliopisto, Monitieteelliset julkaisut.
Liang Liting, Kuusisto Arja, Kuusisto Jari & Vänskä Juha. (2013). Business model innovation and service innovation : similarities and differences. Konferenssijulkaisussa: Innovating in Global Markets : Challenges for Sustainable Growth. 
Vänskä Juha & Arrasvuori Juha. (2013). Service Design And Exploratory Learning As Enablers For Service Innovation: A Review Of Literature And Suggestions For Future Research. Konferenssijulkaisussa: 14th International CINet Conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 8-11 September 2013. 
Niemi Mervi & Kuusisto Jari. (2013). The Role of the User in Innovation : Results from the Finnish Community Innovation Survey (CIS 2010). SSRN (Social Science Research Network). 2013.
Liang Liting, James Andrew & Miles Ian. (2013). Business Model Innovation as a Disruptive Innovation: The Disruptor’s Perspective. Konferenssijulkaisussa: The R&D Management Conference 2013 - Skills for Future Innovation - Implications for R&D Management.
de Jong, Jeroen P.J. and von Hippel, Eric A. and Gault, Fred and Kuusisto, Jari H. and Raasch, Christina (2014), The Diffusion of Consumer-Developed Innovations: Patterns in Finland (April 18, 2014). Available at SSRN: or
Kuusisto, Jari, Jeroen P.J. de Jong, Fred Gault, Christina Raasch & Eric von Hippel - Consumer innovation in Finland - Incidence, diffusion and policy implications.
Link to publication.
(2013) Kuusisto, J., Kuusisto, A., and Yli-Viitala, P. ’Social innovation as a way to tackle complex societal problems - The case of opening access to public data assets‘,a chapter in the book; "Social Innovation: New Forms of Organisation in Knowledge-Based Societies", Edited by Carmen Ruiz Viñals, Carmen Parra Rodríguez, Routledge.
(2013) Diffusion of user innovations - a firm-level survey. Arja Kuusisto & Jari Kuusisto, Int. J. Technology Marketing, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 127-141.
(2013) The second coming of the Triple Helix and the emergence of hybrid innovation environments. Martin Meyer, Kevin Grant & Jari Kuusisto. In, Universities, Cities and Regions - Loci for knowledge and innovation creation, R. Capello, A. Olechnicka, G. Gorzelak (eds.), Routledge Studies in Global Competition, Abington, Oxon, UK. pp. 193-209.
(2013) Service development tools in action. Jari Kuusisto, Arja Kuusisto & Pirjo Yli-Viitala. The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 33, Nos. 3-4, pp. 352-365.
(2012) User-driven Development as a Driver of Successful Outsourcing. Pirjo Yli-Viitala, Arja Kuusisto & Jari Kuusisto. 13th International CINet Conference - Continuous Innovation Across Boundaries, Rome, Italy, 16-18 September.
(2012) Diffusion of user innovations - a firm-level survey. Arja Kuusisto & Jari Kuusisto. XXIII ISPIM Conference - Action for Innovation: Innovating from Experience, Barcelona, Spain, 17-20 June (ISBN 978-952-265-242-3).

(2011) Service development tools in action. Jari Kuusisto, Arja Kuusisto & Pirjo Yli-Viitala, in Proceedings of the RESER 2011 Conference - Productivity of Services NextGen - Beyond Output / Input, September 8-9, Hamburg, Germany.


(2011) Customer interaction in service innovation: seldom intensive but often decisive. Case studies in three business service sectors. Arja Kuusisto & Mikko Riepula, Int. J. Technology Management, Vol. 55, Nos. 1/2, pp. 171-186.


(2011) Increasing customer value by service innovation - towards a conceptual framework. Arja Kuusisto & Mikko Riepula, in Proceedings of the 2nd Naples Forum on Service, 14-17 June, Capri Italy.

Download (pdf, 117 KB)


User innovation and the market - Fred. Gault, UN University MERIT

This paper is first publication originating from the InFi-project carried out by international research team based at the MIT, UN University MERIT, University of Rotterdam and Lappeenranta University of Technology.

It proposes a way of including in official statistics consumers
as user innovators who modify or develop products for their own use. The
issue addressed is the role of the market in the definition of
innovation in the OECD/Eurostat Oslo Manual and the exclusion by the
definition of consumers who modify or develop products and then freely
reveal the knowledge gained to others. A modest proposal is made for a
change to the definition which also has implications for the measurement
of innovation in the public sector. The policy implications of user
innovation by consumers and by firms are considered along with the
importance of including consumer user innovation in official statistics.
The paper ends with a programme for future work.

Key words: User innovation, consumer innovation, public sector
innovation, official statistics

Link to UNU MERIT publications.

Download (pdf, 290 KB)


(2011) Informal ways to protect intellectual property in knowledge intensive business services businesses. Jari Kuusisto & Seliina Päällysaho. Innovation: Management, policy & practice, 13(1): 62-76.


(2010) Service Blueprinting as a Failure Elimination Tool in the Case of Outsourcing Services. Pirjo Yli-Viitala, Jari Kuusisto & Kyrill Meyer. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) 1(4): 22-34.


(2010) Finland: Intellectual asset management among high-growth SMEs. Soile Kotala, Seliina Päällysaho & Jari Kuusisto, in OECD, High-Growth Enterprises: What Governments Can Do to Make a Difference, OECD Publishing, Paris, France, 157-177.


(2010) Support for innovative entrepreneurship and the innovation activities of SMEs in Finland. Jari Kuusisto, in OECD, SMEs and Entrepreneurship - SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris, France, 60-61.


(2010) Outsourcing Failures that Hamper Service Innovation - A Case Study using the Service Blueprinting Method. Pirjo Yli-Viitala, Jari Kuusisto & Kyrill Meyer, in Proceedings of the 11th International CINet Conference, 5-7 September, Zürich, Switzerland. Download (pdf, 745 KB)


(2010) Customers and Users as Drivers and Resources of New Service Development: Three Approaches Towards User Needs Driven Service Innovations. Arja Kuusisto & Jari Kuusisto, in Proceedings of the 11th International CINet Conference, 5-7 September, Zürich, Switzerland. Download (pdf, 2,2 MB)


(2009) Viljamaa Anmari, Kolehmainen Jari & Kuusisto Jari. For and against? An exploration of inadvertent influences of policies on KIBS industries in the Finnish policy setting. The Service Industries Journal 30(1): 71-84.


(2009) Locus of service innovation in developing outsourced industrial services. Pirjo Yli-Viitala & Jari Kuusisto in XIX. International RESER Conference


(2009) Customer Interaction in Service Innovation – A Checklist for Service Innovators. Arja Kuusisto & Mikko Riepula, in Supporting Service Innovation Through Knowledge Management: Practical Insights & Case Studies, A.S. Kazi, P. Wolf, P. Troxler (eds.), A book by the KnowledgeBoard Community and the Swiss Knowledge Management Forum for the Global Knowledge Community, 166-184. Download (pdf, 300 KB).


(2008) Mapping Service Innovation Policy in the Nordic Countries, ServINNo project – contribution to the project: Service Innovation in the Nordic Countries: Key Factors for Policy Design, Nordic Innovation Centre – NICE, Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University, Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University, Department of Marketing and Statistics, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Seinäjoki University of Applied Research, SC-Research, BI School of Management, EKI School of Management, Linköping University, Sintef, Rannis. Download (pdf, 362 KB).


(2008) Service Innovation in the Nordic Countries, Key Factors for the Policy Design, Research Performed for the Nordic Innovation Centre – NICE, Seinäjoki University of Applied Research, SC-Research, Lapua, Finland. Download (pdf, 191 KB).


(2008) Service productivity challenge: an analysis of three business service sectors. Juha Vänskä & Jari Kuusisto, in Proceedings of the 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium, 14-17 December, Singapore.


(2008) Collaborative R&D between service provider and client firms. Pirjo Yli-Viitala & Jari Kuusisto, in Proceedings of the 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium, 14-17 December, Singapore.


(2008) Intellectual Property (IP) protection as a key driver of service innovation: an analysis of innovative KIBS businesses in Finland and the UK. Päällysaho S & Kuusisto J. Journal of Services, Technology and Management 9: 268-284.


(2008) Customer interaction in service innovation: Seldom intensive but often decisive. Case studies in three business service sectors. Arja Kuusisto & Mikko Riepula, in Proceedings of the 9th International CINet Conference, 5-9 September, Valencia, Spain.
Download (pdf, 237 KB)


(2007) Productivity of Business Services - Towards A New Taxonomy. Esa Viitamo. Research report for the project SCR-06. SC-Research, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. Download (pdf, 1 MB)


Report for the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry by an IPR Expert Group, June 2007

This report addresses current usage of Intellectual Property by Small and Medium Sized
Enterprises (SMEs) in Europe. In so doing it refers both to Intellectual Property (IP) in the
general sense of Intellectual Assets and formal legally enforceable Intellectual Property
Rights (IPRs). The report is written on the premise that IP and IPRs are instruments for
levering commercial value from creativity, innovation, and invention and that policy
instruments can help SMEs make better use of these instruments.

Link to the report here (pdf 384 KB).


(2007) Evaluating the impact of Tekes-funded projects: Differences between service- and industrial sectors. Soile Kotala & Jari Kuusisto. RESER (European Network for Research on Services) conference, Tampere, Finland, 13.-15.9.2007.

Link to the report here (pdf, 1 MB)


(2007) Use of knowledge intensive business services by SMEs – some policy implications. Arja Kuusisto & Jari Kuusisto. RESER (European Network for Research on Services) conference, Tampere, Finland, 13.-15.9.2007.

Link to the report here (pdf, 583 KB)


(2006) The emerging role of services related innovation policy – fostering Knowledge Intensive Service Activities for improved innovation performance. Jari Kuusisto, Arja Kuusisto & Seliina Päällysaho. RESER (European Network for REsearch on SERvies) conference, Lisbon, 29.9.2006.


(2006) Public Sector Organisations’ Involvement in Co-production of Knowledge-Intensive Services from Client’s Perspective. Anmari Viljamaa & Jari Kuusisto. RESER (European Network for Research on Services) conference, Lisbon, 28.-30.9.2006.


(2006) Intellectual property (IP) protection and management in KIBS businesses. Seliina Päällysaho & Jari Kuusisto. Innovation Pressure -conference, 16.–17.3.2006, Tampere, Finland.


(2006) System Competence as Prerequisite of SMEs’ Ability to Benefit from Policy Instruments. Jari Kuusisto & Anmari Viljamaa. Innovation Pressure -konferenssi, 16.–17.3.2006, Tampere. Download (PDF, 515 KB).


(2005) Knowledge-intensive Service Activities in the Finnish Forest and Related Engineering and Electronics Industries (Forenel) Cluster. Jari Kuusisto (toim.). Hannu Hernesniemi, Jukka Hyvönen, Arja Juntunen, Jari Kuusisto & Maarit Lindström. OECD Sectoral Case Studies in Innovation: Knowledge Intensive Service Activities. Download (PDF, 2,05 MB).

(2005) Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Co-production of Knowledge - the Role of Public Sector? Jari Kuusisto & Anmari Viljamaa. Frontiers of e-Business Research 2004. Conference proceedings of eBRC 2004. Tampere University of Techology (TUT) and University of Tampere (UTA). Electronic edition in, pp. 282-298. Download (PDF).
(2004) From mature manufacturing industry towards innovative service provider - case of Finnish Forest cluster. Jari Kuusisto & Arja Juntunen. Continuous innovation network (CINET) conference. Sydney, 24.09.2004.
(2004) TULI-ohjelman väliarviointi. Jari Kuusisto, Soile Kotala, Riikka Kulmala, Anmari Viljamaa & Sirpa Vinni. Väliarviointi 8/2004. Tekes. Download (PDF). (Finnish only)
(2004) Edistyksellistä innovaatiopolitiikkaa Euroopan periferiassa? [Progressive innovation policy in the periphery of Europe?] Jari Kuusisto. In Tarmo Lemola & Petri Honkanen (eds.) Innovaatiopolitiikka - Kenen hyväksi, keiden ehdoilla? Gaudeamus, Helsinki. (Finnish only.)
(2003) Insights into services and innovation in the knowledge intensive economy. Jari Kuusisto & Martin Meyer. Technology Review 134/2003, Tekes. Helsinki, 2003. Download (PDF) .
(2003) Intermediary evaluation of LIKSA-pre seed funding programme for TEKES/SITRA. Kuusisto, Meyer, Kulmala, Goloubeva and Timm.
(2002) Developing an integrated innovation model: Bringing together services and technology related features of innovation. 12th International Conference of RESER the European Network of Economic and Spatial Service Research, Manchester 10.09.2002. Jari Kuusisto & Martin Meyer. Click here for further information.
(2002) SITRA Corporate Funding - Exploring possibilities for international benchmarking. Jari Kuusisto. Research Associates Ltd., Helsinki.
(2002) Julkinen rahoitus yritystoiminnalle ja sen arviointikäytännöt, Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön tilaama asiantuntijaraportti. Jari Kuusisto. Research Associates Ltd., Helsinki.
(Finnish only.)
(2002) Government Innovation Support for University Spin Offs, New R&D Performers and R&D Networks. Case studies from: France (Lorraine), Germany (Bayern), Ireland, Korea, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Singapore and Sweden. E. Arnold, J.Kuusisto. Tekes Technology Review, 121/2002. Download (PDF).
(2001) Is good service a necessary ingredient of success for a printing business - or can it ruin it? [Onko hyvä palvelu kirjapainon menestymisen ehto - vai este?] Jari Kuusisto. Painomaailma 4/2001, pp. 22-23, Helsinki.
(2001) Audience Members’ Goals of Media Use and Processing of Advertisements. Arja Juntunen. Doctoral Dissertation, Publications of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, A-187. Download (PDF), Download (PDF).
(2000) Micro Firms in Sweden - A Country Report on Employment and Working Conditions in EU Micro Firms. Jari Kuusisto. Report for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
(2000) The Determinants of Service Capability in Small Manufacturing Firms. Jari Kuusisto. PhD thesis, Kingston University Small Business Research Centre, Kingston, United Kingdom. Download part 1 (PDF), download part 2 (PDF).
(2000) Building a World Class Research Institute System in Sweden. Jari Kuusisto with E. Arnold and P. Sowden, Report to IVF, IVL, SIK and SP.
(1999) A Critical Evaluation of Industry SME Support Policies in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland - Stage one Report; Introduction to SME Policies and Their Evaluation. J. Curran, R. Berney and J.Kuusisto. Ministry of Trade and Industry, Studies and Reports 5/1999, Helsinki, Finland. Click here for further information.
(1999) Pankkien asema murenee? [Retail Banking in Crisis?] Jari Kuusisto. Talouselämä, No: 26, 26.11.1999. (Finnish only.)
(1999) The institutional stature of the retail bank; the neglected asset? A. Lowe & J.Kuusisto. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, Volume 17 Issue 4/5.
(1998) The evolving Information Society in the Baltic Sea Region - Focus in Finland. M. Hepworth & J.Kuusisto. Research Associates Ltd. Kingston upon Thames, UK.
(1998) Euro and Internet Era Retail Banking Strategies - Implications for the OP-Group of Finland. A. Lowe & J.Kuusisto. Report to OKO BANK Finland.
(1997) Magazine Context and Consumer Motivation to Process Advertisements. Arja Juntunen. In De Pelsmacker, P. and Guens, M. (eds.), The Changing World of Marketing and Corporate Communciations, Antwerp, RUCA.
(1997) Conceptualisation of Involvement in Media Context Studies – A Review. Arja Juntunen. Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Working Papers, W-189.
(1995) Media Context and Advertising Processing, Arja Juntunen. Publications of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, B-157.
