SCR participated in the RESER 2008 conference.

“New Horizons for the Role and Production of Services” was the theme for the XVIII international RESER 2008 conference. The conference was organised in Stuttgart, Germany, 25-26 September by Fraunhofer IAO. RESER is an interdisciplinary European network focusing on the topic of service research. At the annual RESER conference researchers and actors from economy and politics meet in order to exchange and discuss ideas on the topic of services. During the two intensive conference days the papers explored the following main themes: tertiarization of the economy and new dynamics of services, hybrid products & services, transforming business models and new approaches in the management of services, new perspectives for services research.

The keynote speaker of the conference, professor Bo Edvardsson (Karlstad University, Sweden) gave presentation on the trends and challenges in service research. Reflecting the latest trends in services he called into question, if there has been a preoccupation on what companies are developing, offering and selling rather than what creates value for the customers and what they are buying and paying for. Several topics were appointed for the future of service research from which the one mentioned was that we must make sure that the customer, the customer perspective is not lost. Pirjo Yli-Viitala from SCR participated in RESER 2008 conference.

