
17th annual conference, Washington, DC on October 2 -5, 2008.

Founded in 1992 by Roland Rust, the Frontiers in Service Conference Considered the world's leading annual international conference on service research, this year's conference attracted attendees from around the globe. The University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business hosted the 17th annual Frontiers in Service Conference. The conference will highlight the latest thinking in service, particularly those that combine aspects of technology, social science and business. The Frontiers in Service Conference features a unique international mix of business people and academics, and a cross-functional list of topics, including service marketing, service operations, service human resources, service information technology, e-service, service innovation, and customer relationship management. Speakers at the conference include many of the leading service experts, including high-ranking executives and prominent academics from around the world.

Dr. Jari Kuusisto from the Lappeenranta University of Technology SCR research group presented his paper, 'Trends and issues in the evolving service innovation policy'
(pdf 1.9 MB), at the conference.

Other distinguished conference speakers include Joe Doyle, director of the Governor's Office of Customer Service for the state of Georgia; Bob Vastine, president of the Coalition for Service Industries; Barbara Alving, director of the National Center for Research Resources at the National Institute of Health; Chris Volinsky, director of the Statistics Research Department at AT&T Labs; David Hashim, CEO of Veritas Architects; and Mark Haselkorn, director of the University of Washington's Interdisciplinary Program on Humanitarian Relief.

Link: www.rhsmith.umd.edu/news/releases/2008/100208.aspx
