Dr. Jari Kuusisto from the University of Vaasa was an invited speaker at the Science Year 2014 conference on Services in Digitalised Business, organised by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (Dienstleistungstagung im Wissenschaftsjahr 2014 „Dienstleistung in der digitalen Gesellschaft“ am 27. und 28. Mai 2014 im bcc, Berlin.)

The Conference is one of the largest services conferences and the main one in German language area. It took place in Berlin Conference Center located at the Alexanderplatz.

The session where Dr. Kuusisto had his speech was: Digitalization of Services – The European Perspective. The session was moderated by Dr. Werner Wobbe from the EU Commission Research and Innovation. Other speakers in this session were: Dr. Martin Faust, Canon Europe, Commercial Printing Group, Allan Mayo, Adviser to Royal Borough of Greenwich on Smart Cities, and Oliver Roething from UNI Europa.

