The 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting is the premier conference for more than 10,000 students, academics, scholars, and professionals in the scholarly management and organization space.

The 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management will be held August 1-5, 2014, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. The program theme is The Power of Words, which encourages us to consider the effect of words – our words and others’ -- on individuals, teams, organizations nations or even global systems

Selina Liang will present a joint paper with Jun Li titled "Sequential Attention during Institutional change: a Behavioral Interpretation". Their study investigates organizational change in a context of institutional change from the behavioral perspective. Organizations situated in institutional change have to attend to two distinct goals: one goal pertaining to the emerging institutional logic and the other corresponding to the incumbent logic. The juxtaposition of competing logics exerts important impact on problemistic search. During institutional change decisions to implement new practices can be characterized by passivity due to the lasting influence of the incumbent logic. In addition, the study also shows that sequential attention to conflicting goals is more salient when organizations have internalized practices reflecting the emerging logic.
