New research project - User-driven Service Innovation and Co-creation Management (NOMAD)

NOMAD-project takes place under Finland Distinguished Professor Programme - FiDiPro. This programme enables distinguished researchers, both international and expatriates to work and team up with the 'best of the best' in Finnish academic research.

University of Vaasa and the staff of SC-Research have accumulated internationally recognised knowledge base in the focused topic areas: user-driven service innovation and intangibles management. The objective is to contribute to the Finnish knowledge base, and bring it up to internationally excelling level on the topic of user driven service innovation and intangibles management.

The focus of the research project is on user-driven service innovation process and co-creation management. Creation, commercialization and capitalization of services intangible value are central themes throughout the project.  Nomad-project will employ in Finland two top-level international researchers Professor Martin Meyer from the University of Sussex and Stephen Flowers MSc. from the University of Brighton. Both of them are well connected with SPRU, the Brighton based ‘cradle’ of Innovation Research. Both of the invited researchers have a solid track record in the leading edge international research on new types of innovation processes and user-driven service innovation. Their combined skills have great potential since they can bring new perspectives to service innovation research and take it closer to the leading edge mainline innovation debate.

The aim is to bring new insights and novel perspectives to the service innovation debate. Nomad-project advances new ways of thinking that can bring renewed vigour to the field of service innovation research. Through its interactive approach and knowledge transfer activities the project is feeding the latest knowledge for the benefit of businesses and their innovation management. Finally, the proposed research team has excellent capacity to move forward the service innovation policy debate.


For further information, please contact Jari Kuusisto,

