User Innovations and their Economic Potential

28 October 2011, G18, Yrjönkatu 18, Helsinki

Ministry of Employment and Economy, Tekes and SC-Research have organised high level international seminar on user innovations.

SC-Resserach team consists of world leading researchers Eric von Hippel / MIT, Fred Gault / UNU MERIT, Jeroen de Jong / University of Rotterdam and Jari Kuusisto / SC-Research.

The key note sessions are presented by the research team highlighting the progress of the flagship project; ‘Statistical Indicator Development for User Innovation and Innovation Transfers in Finland (InFi)’. This project is in progress in Finland and it is developing indicators for user innovation, a topic that has global relevance for innovation policy development.

Other speakers in the seminar include:

- Sampsa Hyysalo, Professor, Aalto University, and
- Dr. Heli Koski, Head of the Unit, The Research Institute of Finnish Economy (ETLA)

Ministry of Employment / Petri Lehto and Tekes / Christopher Palmberg will also address in the seminar.

The seminar day will be concluded by practical cases presenting user innovations.

