The 9th Triple Helix conference at Stanford University
This year the 9th Triple Helix International Conference was hosted for the first time in Silicon Valley – the world’s leading innovation and high-tech hub – by Stanford University’s Human Sciences and Technologies Advanced Research Institute (H-STAR) and Triple Helix Research Group on 11-14 July 2011.
Jari Kuusisto presented a joint paper with Martin Meyer – Creating User Driven Research and Innovation Environments: A Review of Emergent Approaches
The paper outlined findings from a study of user-driven competence centres in Nordic countries. User-driven competence centres can be seen as prime examples of hybrid research organisations as they seek to facilitate needs-driven basic research in what has become known as ‘Pasteur’s quadrant’. Increasingly this type of research is performed in a context that reaches beyond typical academic or industrial labs but can best be characterised as hybrid environments. The authors will share insights and experiences from a study of user-driven competence centres that reviewed business-led research networks of excellence across a wide range of countries.
The Triple Helix venue theme this time was “Silicon Valley: Global Model or Unique Anomaly?”. The Conference turned out to be a stellar event in the innovation field. It attracted some 250 leading academics, prominent policy-makers and top business people, venture capitalists, business angels, consultants and entrepreneurs from over 40 countries.
The conference explored the inner workings of Silicon Valley and other international technology conurbations, in parallel with strategic innovation policy and practice issues in developed and developing countries. The discussions touched the challenges and benefits of the collaboration between the institutional spheres of University, Industry and Government, show-case best practice, explore new models for knowledge transfer, and appraise the success of the third mission of universities. The venue created also networking opportunity with representatives of Silicon Valley firms and other international high-tech clusters, international innovation experts and various Silicon Valley diasporas.
For more information see: www.triplehelixconference.org
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