SC-Research carries out a Finnish case study on High-Growth SMEs for OECD
The OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship is carrying out a study on HGSMEs, Innovation, Intellectual Assets and Value Creation in the context of its 2007-2008 programme of work. The study is carried out in 18 countries, and the Working Party has requested SC-Research to carry out the Finnish case study.
The project aims to investigate a) the role of innovation and intellectual assets as accelerators of growth in SMEs as compared to other factors; and b) the financing of innovative and fast-growing SMEs. It will provide input to the OECD Innovation Strategy. The first phase of the project (in 2007) has consisted of an extensive literature review. The second phase (in 2008) involves the preparation of a series of thematic country studies in five areas: 1. innovation; 2. business practices; 3. networking; 4. intellectual assets; and 5. financing. SC-Research will be carrying out themes 1, 2 and 4. The findings of the country studies will contribute to a comparative cross-country analysis.
SC-Research will conduct the Finnish case study by two separate series of phone inquiries during the autumn 2008. The businesses contributing for the study will be sent a summary of the results of the study in Finnish language by the end of the year 2008. In practise, the OECD study is a follow-up study for a Tekes-funded study”IP Protection and Management in KIBS and their Collaborative Networks” implemented by SC-Research in 2005.