Pirjo Yli-Viitala's visit to University of Leipzig (10/2009-1/2010).
The University of Leipzig, located in Leipzig in the region of Saxony, Germany, is one of the oldest universities in Europe and the second-oldest university in Germany. In 2009, University of Leipzig celebrated its 600th anniversary.
Pirjo Yli-Viitala from SC-Research/Lappeenranta University of Technology worked as a visiting researcher at University of Leipzig for four months (10/09-01/10). At University of Leipzig she worked in Service Science and Technology Group that is hosted by the chair of Business Information Systems (BIS). The Group consists of the three subgroups: Service Innovation and Management, Service Modeling and Engineering, Service and Integration Technology.
Service Engineering is one of the special focus areas of the research group. Existed since the mid-1990s Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Fähnrich from University of Leipzig is one of the founders of this area of research and has contributed pioneer research work to this young field. Service Engineering entails applying the appropriately modified engineering know-how established in the field of conventional product development to the development of services. Service Engineering can thus be defined as the systematic development and design of services using suitable models, methods and tools.
Research exchange to Leipzig University created a basis for the persistent cooperation between the organisations. Getting to know more about the scientific background and the research conducted at Leipzig University and at SC-Research will enable partners to deepen the cooperation in a form of joint research projects and scientific writing, for example. Regarding to the CEOS-08 project, the research exchange made it possible to carry out benchmarking case studies in certain enterprises in Germany.