Visit to MIT Sloan School of Management 2009-10

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a word-class educational institution. From its establishment in 1986, its primary purpose has been to contribute to practical world through teaching and research, in fields ranging from science and technology to social sciences, economics and business, humanities and arts. MIT employs 10 500 individuals on campus and has more than one thousand professors. Of its current faculty members, seven have won the Nobel prize. In 2008–2009, MIT hosted almost two thousand international scholars from 95 countries.

Jari Kuusisto had a visiting scholar status at one of the MIT’s five schools, the Sloan School of Management, for four months (10/2009 – 01/2010). Jari worked closely with professor Eric von Hippel during his visit. Eric von Hippel’s research on the patterns in the sources of innovation has been highly influential in innovation theory and in the development of new innovation processes in business (e.g., Democratizing Innovation, MIT Press, 2005). His leading edge work in user-driven innovation is contributing to the development of innovation processes in various industries world-wide, as well as is influencing the modification of governmental policies in the area.

During the visit at MIT Sloan, Jari and Arja Kuusisto were able to deepen the on-going research co-operation with the Sloan School of Management. This visit was most fruitful for the development of the new ‘Demand and user-driven innovation policy approach and action plan’ in cooperation with the Finnish Ministry of Employment and Economy. New policy programme, ‘Demand and User-Driven Innovation Policy Framework and Action Plan’ was published in February 2010. www.tem.fi/?l=en&s=2382

In addition to existing policy related work Prof. Hippel and Jari are also working on new research initiatives that are planned to commence later this year.

During their stay at the MIT Jari and Arja were able to attend high quality research seminars, innovation lab events hosting leading edge corporations around the world, as well as events promoting public sector innovations. Among other things MIT Media Lab was one of the most impressive places that we could get introduced during our stay in Boston area.

In addition to MIT related activities Jari and Arja prepared case studies and made interviews that are part of work for the Finnish business partners in on-going CEOS-project.
