The 2011 Naples Forum on Service, Capri 14-17 June

The 2011 Naples Forum on Service took place in Anacapri and the Villa Orlando on the very top of the Isle of Capri. An impressively beautiful conference venue!

The conference is about marketing theory and service management. The general aim of the Naples Forum on Service, now held for the second time in Anacapri, is to advance and unify recent contributions to service research. In particular, service-dominant logic (SDL), service science, many-to-many marketing and the Viable Systems Approach (VSA) are seen as key approaches and theoretical frameworks (see more: www.naplesforumonservice.it ). Keynote speakers, Stepen Vargo, Robert Lusch, Dianne Fodell, Evert Gummesson, Christian Grönroos, and Håkan Håkansson, all contributed to the conference by suggesting new advancements of integrative approaches and theories of such basic elements as, service, marketing and markets.

In the conference, Arja Kuusisto presented the paper (co-authored with Mikko Riepula) on the theme: Increasing customer value by service innovation – towards a conceptual framework. [download, pdf 117 KB]
