8th Annual International Open and User Innovation Workshop August 2-4, 2010

Eric von Hippel presenting at the MIT Open and User Innovation Conference 2010
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management
Jari Kuusisto presented his paper at the MIT conference on the topic; ‘Research with innovation policy makers making an impact - at what price?’
The conference hosted 180 participants and during the three days we could hear almost 200 presentations from researchers coming from all over the globe. Needless to say such a number of presentations covers many interesting perspectives. Some of them are listed below:
Communitition: The Tension between competition and collaboration in community based design Contests Intra-Corporate Crowdsourcing : Leveraging upon rank and site marginality for innovation
Motivations of organizational participation behavior in idea contests
Value co-creation: lessons from firms engaged in open source projects
Global Innovation Survey in Japan at the consumer level
Super-Users, users and operators: exploring the user innovation landscape in a healthcare technology
The „Not-Invented-Here-(NIH)-Syndrome“: often mentioned, (nearly) never measured
The Impact of User Generated Content on New Product Innovation
Business Models, Governance Structure and Network Structure in Virtual Communities
The Effect of Perceived Control in Mass Customization
Jari Kuusisto
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